A downloadable pamphlet

This will no longer be updated. Please go to Ætherjack’s Almanac  for the most current edition.

One through Six now available collected in real physical form. Online at Spearwitch.com



Issue Two of ÆTHERJACK’S ALMANAC your source for semi-weird space-fantasy for Troika! is here in both eye rending color and safe for life black & white. Contains one background, stats for a warship, stats for two different NPC versions of the warship. Conversion from the vintage science-fantasy setting not enough people love & brief combat rules for space combat.

It's a zini which means it's exactly one sheet of US letter paper folded in half.

Requires a hex map and counters for optimal use.

@aaronmfking/https://erinking.itch.io/ says ",These adventures [in Icy City Troika] pair well with...Ætherjack's Almanacs;" I agree so check out Icy City Troika. You wont regret it.

"Ian Woolley delivers big time here – on just two pages, you get a great, mechanically precise engine that lets you seamlessly convert space ships/spacefaring ships/vehicles to Troika!, and we get some default stats as orientation, and a neat high-risk background. What more could you want? This is a resounding success of a mini-zine. Final verdict: 5 stars." - Thilo Graf / Endzeitgeist

ÆTHERJACK’S ALMANAC Number Two Cabbits & Combat is an independent production by Ian Woolley and is not affiliated with Melsonian Arts Council.


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